Unsere Systeme

Byosis has a solid know-how of technology, engineering, maintenance and operations for environmental issues. Our expertise is wastewater, digestate and off-gas treatment. Besides our core product, ByoFlex®, for ammonia stripping and recovery, we offer gas scrubbers for NH3- and H2S-washing (ByoScrub), containerized biofilter solutions for residual odor reduction (ByoFilter), pasteurization units in accordance with PAS-110 or EU-1069/2009 regulations (ByoPast) and our specially designed, modular heat exchangers (ByoTubes). Package units we can use in combination with own technology include separators, decanters, dryers (belt and drum) and MBR/RO.

The revolutionary ByoFlex® system recovers ammonia from highly contaminated substrates. The ByoFlex® system is a one-of-a-kind system. Through years of experience, the ammonia stripper has been developed for highly concentrated difficult substrates such as digestate or heavily polluted waste water.
With the ByoPast technology manure, digestate or other substrates could be pasteurised according to the EG standards 1069/2009. Pasteurisation could be necessary to comply with local regulations and allows you to feed certain feedstock to your biogas plant.
Heat Exchangers
Byosis developed a modular, easy to clean tube-in-tube heat exchanger specially designed for difficult substrates as digestate, manure or sludge. The modular lay-out makes it possible to adjust the size and capacity of the heat exchanger relatively easy.