Wer ist Byosis?

Byosis steht für praktische, praktikable und kundenspezifische Lösungen. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich bei dem Ausgangsmaterial um landwirtschaftliche Rückstände, Industrieabfälle, Grünabfälle, Schlamm, Siedlungsabfälle oder stark kontaminiertes Waschwasser handelt, bietet Byosis Lösungen zur Rückgewinnung der Nährstoffe und zur deutlichen Verbesserung der Effizienz und Kapazität Ihres Prozesses.
Wir glauben fest an die Kreislaufwirtschaft und tragen dazu bei.

A circular economy:
- reduces environmental foot print with positive impact on the earth’s climate
- supports increased demand for food, feed and (raw) materials
- decreases geographical dependency on other less stable countries,
- offers opportunities for profitable businesses.
Byosis has a thorough know-how of technology, engineering, maintenance and operations. Our expertise is waste water, digestate and off-gas treatment. We have own developed technology like ammonia strippers, pasteurisation units and gas scrubbers. We can integrate package units from third parties. Every customer request requires a unique solution. That is an exciting challenge to find the right solution. We want to make that journey with you.

Our services consist of
Feasibility studies:
With process simulation tools such as PROSIM we will test new process ideas and improve existing processes. As a result, the development of a good idea will be quickly and reliably converted into a realistic technical design.
Experiments or pilot tests with a substrate or process set-up:
In our laboratory we can perform product tests on a small scale. There is also a full scale installation available where specific products can be tested.
Basic engineering services:
The technical designs are described in VISIO process and instrumentation diagrams to clearly present the entire process.
In addition, the entire installation is worked out in 3D in SOLID WORKS.
Interface engineering:
The Byosis installations are controlled by in house developed software. We can integrate third party suppliers. The installations and processes are fully automated controlled.
Turnkey supply of systems:
The installations are delivered turn-key. All parts are easily and safely accessible by practical skids. Including containerized modules if desired.
Remote monitoring for expert advice and troubleshooting:
We help customers with our service level agreements (SLA). Parts of the SLA can be:
- Remote monitoring
- Monthly reports with recommendations
- Process operating advice
- Troubleshooting
- On-site inspection visits
- Training local staff
Troubleshooting and optimizing of existing systems and installations:
We advise when optimization of existing systems is needed.