Heat Exchangers

Heating difficult substrates with ByoTubes


Byosis developed a modular, easy to clean tube-in-tube heat exchanger specially designed for difficult substrates as digestate, manure or sludge. The modular lay-out makes it possible to adjust the size and capacity of the heat exchanger relatively easy.

The heat exchanger can be mounted inside a building or outside in a specially designed, insulated, container. Due to the design, mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger is easy, should this be necessary.  And it is also possible to expand the system with a CIP system for chemical (semi)automatic cleaning. This system can be integrated in the same container, in a separate container, or on a skid.

A ByoTubes  heat exchanger is also used in the ByoFlex and ByoPast systems.

For most substrates it is even possible to add a heat recovery step. In many cases substrate leaving the system will pre-heat incoming substrate. But a different set-up is also possible. Up to 75-80% recovery of the heat is possible.

Any questions?

We like a challenge! Do you've any questions about our systems or are you searching for a solution for your problem? 

ByoFlex in practice

Ballymena Plant, Northern Ireland



Who's Byosis?

Byosis combines and translates her extended knowledge with digestion and fermentation processes into practical and feasible solutions. Byosis offers solutions that improve the efficiency and capacity of the digestion process considerably.

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