
Erhitzen schwieriger Substrate mit ByoTubes

Byosis developed a modular, easy to clean tube-in-tube heat exchanger specially designed for difficult substrates as digestate, manure or sludge. The modular lay-out makes it possible to adjust the size and capacity of the heat exchanger relatively easy.
The heat exchanger can be mounted inside a building or outside in a specially designed, insulated, container. Due to the design, mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger is easy, should this be necessary. And it is also possible to expand the system with a CIP system for chemical (semi)automatic cleaning. This system can be integrated in the same container, in a separate container, or on a skid.
A ByoTubes heat exchanger is also used in the ByoFlex and ByoPast systems.
For most substrates it is even possible to add a heat recovery step. In many cases substrate leaving the system will pre-heat incoming substrate. But a different set-up is also possible. Up to 75-80% recovery of the heat is possible.